Form Center

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CD - Community Development

  1. Building Inspection Cancellation Form
  2. Existing ADU Application

    This application is exclusively for properties which have existing dwelling units which may qualify as an Accessory Dwelling Unit... More…


    INSTRUCTIONS: Please print and sign and submit with your application materials. NOTE: If a rezoning, ODP, or SDP application,... More…

  4. Notice to Mineral Estate Owners

    Mineral rights notice form when requesting a rezoning

  5. PERMIT APPLICATION Residential Egress Window
  7. Pre-Application Meeting Request Form
  1. Contractor License Application
  2. Group Home Self Certification

    Required semiannual form for group homes to file with the city

  3. Let's Talk Resident Engagement Program

    Thank you for your interest in the City of Wheat Ridge's Let's Talk Resident Engagement Program. Please fill out the form below, and we... More…

  4. PERMIT APPLICATION Furnace/Boiler Replacement
  5. PERMIT APPLICATION Residential Window/Door Replacement
  6. PERMIT APPLICATION Water Heater Replacement
  7. Ridge at 38 Pop-Up Patio Application