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Wheat Ridge Creates - Committee Member Application

  1. Wheat Ridge Creates Banner
  2. Wheat Ridge Creates - Committee Application

    The committee has seven members in addition to staff liaisons from the City of Wheat Ridge and Localworks. 

    Applications for Wheat Ridge Creates committee members are open on a rolling basis, and City of Wheat Ridge staff may reach out to you as openings become available.  Thank you for your interest!

  3. Committee members must either live, work or have a strong connection in/to Wheat Ridge to. Please describe your connection to the city.

  4. Committee members must have passion for growing resources and opportunities for our arts and creatives community. Prior committee experience in these interest areas is highly encouraged, but not required.  Please describe your interest and experience in the arts community.

  5. Members are not required to be artists or work in a creative field.  However, the working group is interested in knowing what professional, personal and/or creative skills you may be able to offer to the team.  Please provide any expertise you may be able to share.

  6. Time Commitment*

    Committee members may serve up to three, two-year terms. 

    Committee members meet virtually on the third Monday of each month from 11:30am - 12:30pm. Additionally, committee members attend community meetings and events as needed. Are you able to make this commitment?

  7. Next Steps

    Thank you for your interest in joining the Wheat Ridge Creates committee.  We will be in touch if and when openings become available.

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