Board of Adjustment

The Board of Adjustment (BOA) has a limited but important role: they hold formal public hearings to review variance requests from the code which exceed staff review, and they hold hearings when the public is appealing a staff interpretation of the code such as the following:  

The Board meets infrequently based on the low number of requests received. 

Members join to serve as a jury of peers for applicants’ variance requests.  In the case of a variance, an applicant is making their case to the BOA as to why the rules, which apply universally to the rest of the city, should not apply in this case. This means variance requests are often very specific to one location with unique facts associated with that property and specific impacts on immediate neighbors. The BOA follows strict due process protocols to determine the outcome of requests such as fence heights and garage setbacks.  

The BOA can meet up to 11 times a per year, but on average meet only one to two times per year at 7 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of the month. The location of the meetings is in the Council Chambers room at 7500 West 29th Avenue. Please check the City Government calendar for meeting dates and information. Meetings are open to the public. Learn more about public meetings, public hearings, and how to participate with this short guide: Public Hearings: A Guide to Participating in City Meetings.

Eight members serve on the Board, two from each Council district and three alternates. 

Agendas and Minutes
