Show All Answers

1. When will my street be plowed?
2. Who do I call to report a pothole in the street?
3. Who is responsible for maintenance of the trees growing in the right of way?
4. Are property owners required to shovel their sidewalks when it snows?
5. Who is responsible for removing or cutting the weeds in the right of way?
6. If I have a Contractor License why would I also need a Municipal Contractor License?
7. How can I report a property in the neighborhood that has trash scattered everywhere?
8. Does Wheat Ridge have a City Clean-up Program?
9. Who do I call to report a street light that has burned out or is not working?
10. Where do I call to report someone dumping their car oil in the storm drain?
11. I just moved to Wheat Ridge. Who do I call to schedule my trash pickup?
12. I just moved to Wheat Ridge. Who do I talk to about having the water & sewer transferred to my name?
13. What are the Sight Distance Regulations concerning intersections?
14. Do I need a permit to install, widen, or modify a driveway?